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Shoulder And Neck Pain

A Message From Jacqualynn Gordon, PT, DPT & Joanna Rochelle, PT, DPT, Owners & Founders Of Onyx Physical Therapy & Wellness

Everyone we talk to wants to know the following about living with neck and shoulder pain:

“Why Am I Going Through This?” “Why Do I Still Have Neck and Shoulder Pain After Putting up With It for 6 or More Months?”

Most people think that if they have pain in their neck or shoulders, the pain will go away on its own. That one morning, they’ll wake up and it’ll be like nothing ever happened… But then, 6 months later, you’re still living with a pain that’s worse than when it first started.

Do You Sound Like That?

When people go to the doctor, the doctor often tells them to rest and “try these painkillers” to “see how it goes.” This is something we see all the time in our physical therapy clinic. But then, 6 weeks later, when it hasn’t gotten better, they go back to the same doctor, only to get ANOTHER prescription for even stronger pills.

Have You Ever Had That Happen to You?

Maybe you don’t know what to do because different people have told you different things. Maybe you think you have a problem with your neck, but it’s really your shoulder. It can be hard to figure out where the problem is in the neck and shoulders, which makes people put off making a decision about what to do to help relieve their pain. Worse, many people just accept it as “part of life,” as if it’s normal or “has to” be that way.

Do You Feel This Way?

If You Have Neck or Shoulder Pain, Here Are 7 More Reasons Why It Might Be Sticking Around Longer Than It Should:

1. You thought it would go away by itself, but it didn’t.

2. You went to the doctor, who told you to rest and take painkillers. But the pills didn’t help, and as soon as they wore off, your neck and shoulders hurt again.

3. A family member, or friend, told you that everybody gets neck and shoulder pain as they get older, so you just accepted it

4. In the past, you tried to get help from other doctors or a physical therapist, but nothing they said or did seemed to help.

5. You’ve tried things like heating pads and TENS units, but they haven’t helped at all.

6. You thought it would be a good idea to rest because your neck or shoulder pain was so bad, but it still irritates you daily

7. You got a few “massages” to try to get rid of the pain, but all they did was make you feel good and relax. They didn’t do anything to get rid of the pain for good.

If any of these have happened to you – we would love to help you by inviting you to book a call to talk with one of our Physical Therapists to find out what can be done to help you. The fact that you’ve tried any or all of these things, means that we know what doesn’t work – which means we are closer to finding what DOES. Click the link below to book a call with us if you would like to get some solid advice:

The next thing that people always ask us is:

"What Can You Do to Stop the Pain in Your Neck and Shoulders?"

Here are four things you can try:

1. First, you need to decide whether or not to get help. So many people put off getting help for their neck and shoulder pain because they think it will “go away with time.” But 6 months later, they’re still putting up with it, and either nothing has changed or the pain has gotten worse.

2. Do the RIGHT exercises. One of the best ways to ease neck and/or shoulder pain is to do the right series of progressed exercises. The right exercises given to you by a Physical Therapist will help reduce pain, let you move freely again quickly, and make sure that the problems don’t come back any time soon.

3. Don’t sit or sleep in uncomfortable ways: Ever wake up in the morning with a sore neck? Or, after a long day of sitting, did your shoulders feel tight? That’s because sitting or sleeping in an awkward position is one of the worst things you can do for your neck or shoulders. Along with hands-on treatment, it would help a lot if you were shown the right exercises to strengthen your muscles for better posture. This would help you get back to being active and healthy as soon as possible.

4. Get real, “hands-on” physical therapy. People with neck and shoulder pain have been shown to benefit from physical therapy. In fact, it’s one of the most common problems we see at Onyx Physical Therapy & Wellness. If your neck and/or shoulder pain is making it hard for you to do your job, if tightness or tension in your shoulders is keeping you from sleeping, if it keeps you from staying active, if it threatens your independence, or if it keeps you from spending time with family and friends, physiotherapy can help you get back to living the life you deserve as soon as possible.

If you want to know how the Physical Therapy team at Onyx Physical Therapy & Wellness can help you live with less neck or shoulder pain, we invite you to start with a completely free, no-obligation, risk-free appointment at our clinic in Encinitas, CA.

Note: We offer this Free Total Body Diagnostic session to people who are nervous or unsure about Physical Therapy and don’t know if it will help them or not. If that sounds like you, please start with a Free Total Body Diagnostic session so we can help you figure out what’s wrong and what can be done without you having to spend any money.

The Question Now Is:

“How Can Going to a Physical Therapist at Onyx Physical Therapy & Wellness Help You Get Rid of Neck And/or Shoulder Pain?”

Basically, the Physical Therapy Team at Onyx Physical Therapy & Wellness can help you stop having daily, annoying, and long-term neck and shoulder pain so you can get back to living your life.

If you want to know how much it costs and if we have any openings at our Encinitas, CA clinic, please click the button below and fill out the short form:

What Other People Just Like You Are Saying About Onyx Physical Therapy & Wellness In Encinitas.

- Rob K.

In 2015, I had a sports accident and ruptured my achilles tendon. After delayed surgery and follow-up physical therapy, I got to the point where I could walk without pain, but I limped badly.

- Peter G.

Jacqualynn has perfect knowledge of the body and more important has great sense of it. She eliminated in a relatively short period of time certain mobility problems and musculatory.

- Tara B.

Onyx PT and Wellness has changed my life. After three babies it’s hard to feel yourself again but Onyx PT and Wellness helped me get back to my old me. My body feels amazing when I am seeing Jacqualynn regularly.